SUPPLI Language Solution

We offer Korean,Mandarin,Japanese class in every level for every age and learning need

Mandarin children class@SUPPLI Language Solution

Join our Mandarin children class latest intake!Please call for details and schedule!


Feel free to call us or check our homepage for latest intake schedule!

Mandarin class DEC and JAN intake

Please check our homepage or drop us email for further details and schedule about our Mandarin class new intake

Japanese class@SUPPLI

Konnichiwa!Let's learn Japanese with Ninja Bubu@SUPPLI.Ring us or drop us mail for further detail!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New year

How would I describe my January?

Erm,nothing else than a word spelled with B-U-S-Y...

Such a good indicator  for a beginning of a year.

A lot of enrollment from time to time,unlimited list modification and arrangement etc.

I only slept for a few hours yesterday but I still can feel the overflowing energy.Sometimes,our energy is just not only came from stamina or whatever psychical condition,but it also from motivation and inner power which makes you move forward from time to time.

After a deep self conversation and meditation,I finally found my real roles to hear and listen to our client or patron.Being a good listener and speaker who can make people feel they are important to us.When you shows your care,everyone will shows you care.

Today,I get to know a very awesome father of a student in Korean class.He shared a lot of wisdom such as how we gonna to face something all by ourselves because we will not gonna to run away from ourselves.We are what and where we are.

Thus,condition is just what appears outside and the real power comes from within.

More and more good things will comes up in new year of 2014.I believe it from inner and it appears slowly to outer.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and I am grateful I am here for being what I am.


Vitamin H Volume 1:Rain

Annyeonghaseyo,let's learn Hangul vocab weekly in our newly established Korean vocab column called as

"Vitamin H !"

Let's take some vocab SUPPLI-ment with SUPPLI now.

The topic for this week is related to rainy day.

Take a look on our Vitamin H vol 1:RAIN...

Osi chukchuk haeyo

haeyp=plain and common sentences ending

(literally:bi means rain and ot means clothes)

Having fun with our new words this week?Thanks so much for viewing and see you all again next week.

Please comment or pm us if you have any special request on our VITAMIN H column topic!