Saturday, December 21, 2013


The largest crisis between our team members happened yesterday and I really upset with no matter how hard we tried,the stupid mistakes repeat and repeat again...speechless.Seems learning process is kinda not easy the whole team.The largest communication problem seems not related with language or what words you use but how you makes people to understand.

I prefer to voice out whatever I think,man on man basis instead of girlish ways to think that we should settle everything behind or never mind,I just endure...but ended up grumpy and distorted.We have no time to waste and hesitate,everything will only lead to an outcome,which just a small and tiny experience of your life.

There wouldn't be any outcome that you can‘t afford because journey is long and endless(if you choose to standstill)

Never ever think that endurance will solve every problem you face now in near future, will becomes larger problem or crisis ever.There is nothing called tomorrow never die or whatsover tomorrow will be a new and better with the unsolved problem you face today.

History will just keep repeating and become your life long problem for today and tomorrow.

Every single human is irreplaceable and unique by themselves.We couldn't afford to lose anyone but it is hard to put every single pieces of uniqueness and peculiarity of every team mate into one.

I really understand that Peggy,Sasa and Jammy do love our team wholeheartedly,but the problem is could we really know what we gonna do and what we are doing?I wonder why my voice is not really being heard even how straight to the point I've mentioned.

Today is the last day of SUPPLI team for 2013.It is a time for me to keep calm and get a clear vision on how to optimize my team to attain goal.

By Ellie


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