Friday, November 22, 2013

Seongsanim Birthday Surprise

Late post:(31st October 2013)
Today,we celebrated our seongsaenim,Muggie birthday in advance (November 5th).
We gave him big surprise by switched off the light and bringing in our cake to him.

We planned everything out in very very last minutes whereas everyone knows his birthday when they reached SUPPLI.Pei Voon,Sasa and Izzati even went to buy the cake with barely 10 mins before the class.However,they still managed to get in the class on time with calm face.

It is really touching to see how students worked together to give their seongsaenim surprise.

That's why we precious bond and relation between seongsaenim and all classmates who share a same goal and same LOVE in KOREAN LANGUAGE .Learning is not a goal;it is a process instead.

Start your journey and overwrite it with FUN#HAPPY#LOVE#KOREAN#LANGUAGE#


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