Monday, December 2, 2013


Teaching hasn't been the easiest job on the earth, in fact it might be toughest.
Having knowledge is one thing, imparting what you have in mind in most understand-able way that doesn't bore people out of their mind is another thing altogether.

For the past few days, all we are doing is submit teaching plan, discuss teaching plan, improve teaching method, improve teaching plan, re-modifying, and re-re-re.
Imagine your proposal being rejected and re-do again and again. That is call frustrations.
But it is through this kind of process we learn together, communicate better as a team, and becoming better teaching planners and even teachers.

So, teaching plan>discussion>improvement>re-plan, and continue and etc...

While we are in the process of shredding off our caterpillar skin and turning into beautiful butterfly, let me admire this photo of happy kids and smile through the process of learning to do better plannings :)!


by peggy


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