Monday, December 9, 2013


When i first reached Suppli today, first thing i noticed was "eiiiii, the door is not lock???" While puzzled i walked into center and saw a mess in receptionist area. And i realized my laptop and 2 office mobile phone went missing.

Now... it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what had happened already. To be honest, i am pretty much upset, not at the robber/thief because at least he/she did not create messes in classroom for me to clean up. I am pretty thankful for that. Upset because it was my laptop, and it was with me for more than 3 years. I hardly have any gadgets that stick with me this long, and now it is gone. I felt like crying.

My students arrived right after i discovered the criminal scene, and i have to suck my tears and emotions back and play my role as a good teacher. As much bad feelings inside as i was feeling, i wanted to have fun with my students and learn together with them. And i was able to smile again. My student, Iman, 11 year old, asked me, "teacher why are you smiling when you have lost something precious?", then i told him because "what is lost is lost and no matter what i do it wont come back".

Another student of mine Amilia, 12 year old, she asked me "teacher, are you upset?" "a little bit" "aww, teacher don't be upset k' and she smiled at me. I suddenly feel the urge of crying getting stronger, and i had to stop myself from that.

In conclusion, i have one of the low mood today but at the end i guess it could still be counted as a good day.

By Peggy


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