SUPPLI Language Solution

We offer Korean,Mandarin,Japanese class in every level for every age and learning need

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Japanese class@SUPPLI

Konnichiwa!Let's learn Japanese with Ninja Bubu@SUPPLI.Ring us or drop us mail for further detail!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

18 August 2017-Japanese class

We went through some blackout during our class and somehow no one proposed to stop the class.Fortunately, it resumed as usual in 10mins.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

13 August 2017- Japanese class

Morning class with Carmen,Jovi and Teressa.

We usually doing class together on Sunday morning and today is the first time we wore same navy blue outfit ever. I always feeling I am very lucky to meet them because it is really rare to have someone who can really share what we usually think from time to time and maybe sometimes we are influencing each other too.

Today class was about asking permission and forbid someone with てもいいですかand てはいけません.I was kinda shocked when they can handled the te conjugation so fluently in short period... erm, maybe the countless 113 verbs drill do helps a lot.

One confusing point for today is why we have to use もらってもいいですかinstead of あげてもいいですか when we asked someone to give us something. Isn't it sounds more valid with the latter one as it literally means GIVE.Well, if you put it this way like, "Can I have it ? or Can I receive it? "It makes some sense why we have to put もらいますin this context.Same goes with かしてもいいですか vs かりてもいいですか.You will say "Can you lend me...? Instead of can you borrow me...? as the subject of the sentences is totally different. When we say かします,it basically sounds like "I lend something to.... Or someone lend something to me or someone else.(sounds like you lend something out to something) So when you ask someone to lend or borrow something, you supposedly means like "Can you lend something to me? "instead of "can you borrow something from me? "

A:傘をかしてもいいですか。Can you lend me the umbrella?

AはBに傘を借りました。A borrowed an umbrella from B.

Kinda easy, is it? Hope it helps on your learning too.

Cheers and have a nice weekend.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

8 August 2017-Japanese class

Today was a busy day with few Japanese class lined up without any break in Setapak branch.Apart from new class, I was having class with Kenneth and Belle about Te form of Japanese,which is essential in Japanese language.

Basically there is a lot of conditions to use this form and the ending is totally different from what we learned so far. Thus, it is not so easy to go through transition between Minna no nihongo 1,part 1(chapter 1-13)and part 2(chapter 14-25).I think most of you know te form from ganbatte or chotto matte, right?

By the way, such a coincidence for them to wear such a similar clothes, lol..

I will go to Japan on 21 August onward with them, hopefully everything is okay and not too hot .

Stay tuned on our September intake soon. Good night;)

Monday, July 10, 2017

10 July 2017 - Japanese class diary

Today, I have class with Suki and Jenny again. We was having class in chapter 36.Well,time is passing fast ever since they started their first Japanese class with me at Menjalara branch and still sticking with me for so long.
It is really funny to see how their personality match perfectly with their horoscope. Jenny is a typical virgo with some sort of perfectionism on everything(basically,hehe) and Suki seems very steady as a taurus.Typically, Jenny never failed to pass up her homework on time and meantime,I really appreciate how Suki could manage to do her homework on time even she works as hectic stewardess. She maybe has some sort of taurus preserverance here.
Today lesson is a bit vague and not so easy to explain nor understand without some basic knowledge on how Japanese language works. (.... like how they express some thing in more delicate ways)
It is about the usage of ように
Well, I wonder how to translate in English but similar to"in order to"
Whenever the potential form(可能形)conjoint with ように 、it will comes out like "in order to be able to do...". That's why when come with the potential form+ように、it will comes with some effort to realize with the goal that mentioned.
In other aspect, when ように+なりました。It sounds like "it became like...(something that wasn't before) For example, I used not to eat vegetables but I eat vegetables now(which apparently I changed my previous behavior and I develop a new set of behaviors ) Thus, when I describe my new set of behavior or condition , I will use plain form+ようになりました。
And for ようにしています、it is more to the development of new habit. After all, しています is a way to mention habit.
When you observe the difference between しています and なりました。You will find out the difference between how I use each one to describe habit or condition. Refer back to chap 19 will help a lot.
Regarding to なりました、we cover it in two different chapter to mention :
1-chap 19
2-chap 36
Verb +なりました=became (start to do....)
Hope my explanation really help them to understand this chapter. I am so looking forward to have some trip after their Jlpt exam soon.
Any question , just pm or comment here ya. Feel free to post your example too.